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h.ogi's place - Ticket-199 Diff

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! Check and Send should only change name if my address book has a name.

:Assigned to:?to:h.ogi
:Version:CAS 0.9.25
:Milestone:?:Milestone:CAS 1.1.1

!! Description

When Check and Send is configured for "Correct recipient names if they differ from names in an address book", then it should only correct the name if there actually *is* a name in my address book.  If the address is not in my book or the name in my book is blank, it should not blank the name.  I'd rather use the name that was sent than blank it and use no name at all.

(P.S. I cannot give you a donation either: "Currently PayPal accounts in Japan are only able to send payments. This recipient is not eligible to receive funds.")

!! Changelog
!!!h.ogi (2019-12-08 (日) 17:37:04)
Fixed in v1.1.1
