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h.ogi's place - Ticket-31 Diff

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! TTB cannot work with CopySent2Current extension

:Assigned to:h.ogi
:Version:TTB 0.8.32
:Milestone:TTB 0.8.33

!! Description

The problem is in your functions ComposeProcessDone and composeSendMessage (in tagbar_compose.js).

There you are using gMsgCompose.compFields.fcc and gMsgCompose.compFields.fcc2. With my add-on, these fields might contain the value 'nocopy://' which is a valid value (see

But 'sRDF.GetResource(key)' would return undefined in this case and the following 'msgFolder = folderResource.QueryInterface' would throw an exception.

I would suggest the following fix (at two places):

   for (key in uris) {
+    try {
       var folderResource = sRDF.GetResource(key);
       var msgFolder = folderResource.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIMsgFolder);
+    } catch(e) { }

!! Changelog
!!!h.ogi (2011-06-23 (木) 21:50:32)

!!!h.ogi (2011-06-23 (木) 21:51:38)
Fixed in v0.8.33b2.
!!!h.ogi (2011-07-16 (土) 23:12:32)
Fixed in v0.8.33.
