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h.ogi's place - Ticket-238 Diff

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! EnForward ToDo

:Assigned to:h.ogi
:Version:ENF 0.1.21

!! Description

* apply meta characters to Notebook and Tags settings
* add new meta characters: folder name, recipient name(to), recipient name(cc), sender address, recipient address(to), recipient address(cc)
* replace "Use folder name as notebook" option by meta character
* ignore "Save note in sent folder" setting for Gmail SMTP since it is done by Google side
* add memo function; enable to add free text as an attachment of the message
* auto forwarding (if possible)
* removing attachments (if possible)
* add button to apply EnForward's filter to the message compose window; it fills the To:, subject fields

!! Changelog
!!!h.ogi (2013-08-13 (火) 04:07:55)
Set target version to v0.2.10
!!!h.ogi (2013-08-17 (土) 19:11:59)
*apply meta characters to Notebook and Tags settings => done
*add new meta characters: folder name, recipient name(to), recipient name(cc), sender address, recipient address(to), recipient address(cc) => done
*replace "Use folder name as notebook" option by meta character => done
*ignore "Save note in sent folder" setting for Gmail SMTP since it is done by Google side
*add memo function; enable to add free text as an attachment of the message => done
*auto forwarding (if possible)
*removing attachments (if possible)
*add button to apply EnForward?'s filter to the message compose window; it fills the To:, subject fields

*add option to mark message as forwarded (enabled by default) => done
!!!admin (2013-08-17 (土) 21:59:37)
First beta v0.2.00b1 is available:
!!!h.ogi (2013-08-28 (水) 01:27:45)
2nd beta v0.2.00b2 is available.

*apply meta characters to Notebook and Tags settings => done
*add new meta characters: folder name, recipient name(to), recipient name(cc), sender address, recipient address(to), recipient address(cc) => done
*replace "Use folder name as notebook" option by meta character => done
*ignore "Save note in sent folder" setting for Gmail SMTP since it is done by Google side
*add memo function; enable to add free text as an attachment of the message => done
*auto forwarding (if possible)
*removing attachments (if possible) => done
*add button to apply EnForward??'s filter to the message compose window; it fills the To:, subject fields
*add option to mark message as forwarded (enabled by default) => done
!!!h.ogi (2013-08-29 (木) 01:50:09)
3rd beta v0.2.00b3

*apply meta characters to Notebook and Tags settings => done
*add new meta characters: folder name, recipient name(to), recipient name(cc), sender address, recipient address(to), recipient address(cc) => done
*replace "Use folder name as notebook" option by meta character => done
*ignore "Save note in sent folder" setting for Gmail SMTP since it is done by Google side => done
*add memo function; enable to add free text as an attachment of the message => done
*auto forwarding (if possible)
*removing attachments (if possible) => done
*add button to apply EnForward???'s filter to the message compose window; it fills the To:, subject fields
*add option to mark message as forwarded (enabled by default) => done


*add option to provide mailto link to email address in header and footer memos
*bug fix in attachments filter
!!!h.ogi (2013-09-09 (月) 02:31:36)
v0.2.10 is released. Closed.
