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h.ogi's place - Ticket-164 Diff

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! Google Contacts: [Auth] 403: Forbidden

:Assigned to:?

!! Description

[OS] Windows 7
[Application] Thunderbird
[Themes]Silvermel and Charamel XT 1.5.3
[Extensions]CompactHeader, English (Australian) Dictionary, Extra Folder Columns, Lightning, Mail Merge, Test Pilot for Thunderbird

Description: On starting Thunderbird, prompt appears titled ""Password for Google Contacts"". The password is rejected. No error message. The prompt reappears.

Error Console: No data

Debug Log
Retrieving Google Contacts ...
New contacts object.
Serial: 0
Yield weight: 100
start listening ...
URI is moz-abmdbdirectory://abook-2.mab
First sync done: false
Sync mode: 0
Add listener
Sync Contacts in SEQ. Rests are 0
[Auth] 403: Forbidden
auth again
stop listening ...
URI is null

Attempted fix: Remove address book, remove add-on, reset all ""gmcont"" values. Fix unsuccessful.


!! Changelog
!!!h.ogi (2012-08-12 (日) 19:21:23)
Please confirm your Gmail address and password.
!!!h.ogi (2012-12-24 (月) 01:58:35)
!!!anonymous (2014-01-23 (Thr) 07:40:00)
Same problem here.  No errors on console, gmail address and password have been confirmed; I can log off and log on the Google account in the tab itself though this, of course, does not bring back the Contacts.
!!!Spike (2014-12-23 (Tue) 11:43:39)
You should go to google Account settings--Signing in--Access for less secure apps -- Enable
That might be help you to login.
!!!h.ogi (2018-10-08 (月) 00:19:17)
