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h.ogi's place - Ticket-386 Diff

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! The check window's text cannot be read with "dark" text and background colors

:Assigned to:?to:h.ogi
:Version:CAS 2.0.18
:Milestone:?:Milestone:CAS 2.1.2

!! Description

I would like to report an issue of the unreadable check window with "dark" text and background colors.

I use the Dark theme (Add-ons & Themes -> Themes) as well as the white (#ffffff) text color and the black (#000000) background color in the preferences (Preferences -> General -> Language & Appearance -> Fonts & Colors -> Colors).

With this preferences, the check window before sending an email becomes almost totally white and unreadable.

It seems to me that the text in the check window is colored by white due to the preference, whereas the background is still white.

!! Changelog
!!!h.ogi (2022-10-12 (水) 01:13:14)
Fixed in 2.1.2. Sorry for the late update.
