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h.ogi's place - Ticket-100 Diff

  • Added parts are displayed like this.
  • Deleted parts are displayed like this.

! number of contacts limites (gmcont.js)

:Assigned to:?
:Version:GC 0.6.39

!! Description

Google Contacts 0.6.39

[OS] Linux 2.6.32-34-generic #77-Ubuntu SMP Tue Sep 13 19:40:53 UTC 2011 i686 GNU/Linux

[Application] Thunderbird 3.1.15

When Thunderbird is launching, it try to synchronise google contacts and that seems to block because of the big number.
A dialog box appear with the number 782.
Thank you that you can do!

The exact message here:
"Un script sur cette page est peut-être occupé ou ne répond plus. Vous pouvez arrêter le script maintenant ou attendre pour voir si le script se terminera.
Script : chrome://gmcont/content/gmcont.js:782"

!! Changelog
!!!h.ogi (2011-11-06 (日) 00:26:28)
Please disable "Use disk cache" option if it is enabled. It is an experimental option and it is not improve performance so far.
!!!h.ogi (2011-11-06 (日) 23:31:40)
I've adjust a parameter for performance in v0.6.40b6. It will make sync time longer but lower possibility of the freeze.
!!!h.ogi (2012-04-01 (日) 04:33:11)
